Monday, August 25, 2008

A little late but here's POTW #3....

Here's a beautiful post called 'lightning in sunset', from [daily dose of imagery],

Here's what it looks like:



Saturday, August 16, 2008

Photo - Shoo's plaything

This post is dedicated to one of my cats, this time its Shoo. This photo i've shot yesterday, displays her playful mood as she plays with one of her toys.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Photo of the Week #2 (POTW)

A great one by Joseph Zymanski and its called Ocean Beach, San Francisco.

Take a look:

Really excellent emotion and composition, here's the original post.

My blog is back online.

For some reason my blog suffered a technical issue that prevented it from being displayed. It is now fixed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Great photo: grey cars and red shirts

URL: grey cars and red shirts

A simply excellent photo, this is almost like something from the Matrix.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

For some reason, one of my photos...

appeared here. What can I say? strange are the ways of the internet :-).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Photograph of the Day: Darker by Chris Nixon

Take a look at this nice perspective urban B&W shot:

Source: here

Update: Thanks to Chris Nixon pointing out that its not his photo, its 96dpi's one, and the real source is here.

Tutorial 2: Sharpening your photo

Sharpening is a serious issue, there are a lot of things to be said about it. However, for now, we'll stick with the practical sides of it.

To sharpen your photo do the following:

  1. Open photo in photoshop.

  2. Select filters -> Sharpen -> Unsharpen Mask.

  3. Values: Well it depends on how much sharpening would you like to achieve (yes, there is such thing as over sharpening and it can ruin your photo too!).

    Amount: The amount of the filter to apply, the higher the more sharpened the image will be.

    Radius: The filter is applied in a radial manner, therefore the larger the radius the bigger effect of the sharpening.

    Threshold: Is the amount of differences between colors that control when this filter is applied, the higher value the less pronounced the effect will be.
  4. Click the preview button to see the photo with and without the filter until you decide you like the outcome.

And voila! There you have a sharpened photo.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A great urban shot

I encountered this photo on the [daily dose of imagery] photography blog. Check it out:

Its called 'runner on white', here's the full post.

Friday, August 1, 2008

A beautiful dog portrait shot

Simply one of the best!

Let the author (PoplarLee) what do you think of this gorgeous shot.

You can do so right here